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Comic Sans EVERYWHERE for chrome released

08 Feb

Today I contributed my greatest addition to the advancement of the web and technology in general. It's called Comic Sans EVERYWHERE. It is an extension for chrome that allows you to see all of your favorite sites in your favorite font, Comic Sans. This is my contribution to the world. I hope you all enjoy it. Download it now


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  1. Matthew Hall

    July 5, 2012 at 12:09 pm

    I’m installing this on my coworker’s–eh hem, my–machine right away.

  2. amy

    September 6, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    i have this installed and it is so much easier on the eyes!

  3. Susie

    April 10, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    I saw this and could not believe of all the fonts available you picked COSMIC SANS!!! The reason for my quick attention to this is I’ve tried to change my font style for many years..seriously cause I think change is sometimes good..right? Not in my choice for favorite font it is not..I really have tried many times to try a new one but it never lasts more then a couple of hours and back comes my COSMIC SANS to make whatever i’m doing look right and complete..SILLY as it may sound…i’m COSMIC SANS biggest fan…thanks i’m so happy for this app and I will tell my friends…