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[PCT SOBO - First Week] What matters most is how well you walk through the fire

22 Jul

My first week on the trail has been fun, scary, beautiful, painful, and amazing. I saw the most awe inspiring views I've ever seen in my life, and met a bunch of incredible people. Each day was filled with ups and downs. Some mornings I woke up feeling very excited. Other mornings I woke up wondering what the hell I was doing. Most nights I easily slipped off to sleep without a worry. A couple nights I spent wondering if I'd even be able to walk the next day. Regardless, the middle of each day was consistently filled with wonder, excitement, and hope.


2017-07-16 12.51.16



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[PCT SOBO] Pack weight: the struggle is real (Gear List 2017)

07 Jul

Everything about getting ready for this trip has been overwhelming (and exciting), but one of the biggest sticking points is figuring out what to bring (and what to not bring). When walking 2600 miles every gram counts, but as a modern city dweller, the concept of living with such limited possessions is daunting. It really makes you decide what is truly important. There are a million things I'd "love to have" on this trip, but this is the list of things that I decided I needed to have.

My total gear weight is 29 lb / 13 kg
I'll be wearing about 3.5 lb / 1.5 kg
So my pack base weight is 25.5 lb / 11.5 kg
After I ditch the snow gear I'll be at 24 lb / 10.8 kg (not counting the possible guitar addition)

 2017-07-06 10.04.04

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