Load latest twitter tweet in 1 line of PHP code

09 Nov

If all you're looking to do is load your latest tweet in the simplest way possible this is the function you need. Luckily Twitter formats all of the latest posts into simple RSS feeds which makes it SUPER easy to just go and get them. It honestly doesn't get any easier than this. Read the rest of this entry »


Enable Remote Desktop RDP on Windows 7 Home Premium

19 Jul

If you've ever tried to use a computer running Windows 7 Home Premium as a Remote Desktop host you know the sad truth. You can't! If you ask Microsoft they'll tell you to get Windows 7 Professional (and pay us extra money for it). However, if you're like me I only needed 1 feature from Windows 7 Professional that wasn't in Home Premium, Remote Desktop.

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Posted in Guides


Easy way to get root on a Netgear Stora

24 Jun

The Netgear Stora is a simple NAS system that allows anyone, even with no tech knowledge, to set up a simple network attached home RAID system. I plugged it in, slapped in a second hard drive, pushed the power button, and copied over my files. It was completely up and running within a few minutes. The Netgear Stora provided me an easy hot-swappable RAID system, but I wanted much more. I knew it was a fully functional, stand-alone, low-power linux server. The obvious next step was to root it.

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Posted in Guides


iPhone 4 releases June 24th

16 Jun

Version 4 of the iPhone will be released on June 24th. Follow this link to check out all the details about the new iPhone.


Easy jQuery form validation and email validator

21 Sep

This is a very quick way to make sure people fill out all fields of a form. It is easy to bypass and is in no way a replacement for server-side form validation, but it's a quick and easy way to prevent invalid form data from being submited. All of the code below requires you to include the jQuery JavaScript library. click here for more information about jQuery
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Posted in Quick Tips


Force PHP to show all errors or save them to a log for troubleshooting

17 Sep

Most servers are set to suppress PHP errors which can leave you guessing why something isn't working and make troubleshooting code almost impossible. This is especially frustrating when you install a 3rd party module with errors. Luckily forcing PHP to display errors is very easy.
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Captcha Alternative using Flickr API with jQuery / JSON

15 Sep

Intro / Background
As anyone who knows me knows I have an OVERWHELMING hatred toward CAPTCHA and am on an on going quest to come up with the best alternative. In my opinion, any worth-while alternative HAS to work atleast as well as captcha AND being easier for the user. Infact I feel it should be almost effort-less.

What I came up with (this time) is a system that presents a random Flickr image to a user and asks them to identify the image. I'm going to implement this in PHP and probably create a wordpress, drupal, and elgg plugin. However for now I'm going to create it using JavaScript / jQuery / JSON. This will allow me to create a quick functional prototype that should show if this is a practical method of stopping spam. In addition, I just want to explore the use of Flickr API in jQuery as I think it could have alot of pretty cool uses.
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