Adding auto-fire to a computer mouse (555 timer)

23 Dec

Remember the auto-fire (turbo) button on old video game controllers? This project adds an auto-fire button to a mouse for use with video games or just clicking random things quickly (if thats what you're in to) using no more than a 555 timer, a capacitor and a couple resistors. My goal was to create it as cheaply as possible and without interfering with the normal functionality of the mouse.

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quick php get post request isset function

05 Dec

When checking the values of $_GET / $_POST / $_REQUEST it is often necessary to check them with isset to ensure that they are defined to avoid undefined index warnings. Here are 3 VERY simple functions that every programmer can use to avoid ever running in to these problems.

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Rebuild Plesk Apache httpd.conf configuration file

03 Dec


Whenever you manually make changes on a server running plesk that will effect your httpd.conf Apache configuration file you have to tell plesk to rebuild the httpd.conf file. Luckily it is very easy to tell plesk to rebuild httpd.conf

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PHP isset vs empty

02 Dec

A very common mistake when first getting in to PHP is to think that isset() and empty() can be used as each others inverse. This is VERY far from the truth and can cause major problems in an application. In this quick article I will explore the differences between isset and empty in PHP

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Install GCC compiler on the Netgear Stora

18 Nov

Installing GCC on your netgear stora will allow you to compile C / C++ code which is needed to create your own applications / scripts or if you want to install anything that requires your to compile it from source. This setup is dependent on first getting root access to your stora and setting up a repository. From there it is extremely easy to install a compiler on your netgear stora.

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Install nano text editor on Netgear Stora

18 Nov

Nano is (in my opinion) the best text editor that exists for linux and an essential tool that you need before you can hope to accomplish anything else with your stora. This simple guide will show you how to install nano on your netgear stora. Truly the hard part of setting this up are the 2 prerequistes listed above. Once you get past that anyone who knows how to use a repository should be able to easily install nano, but I figured I'd include a quick guide for those who don't.

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Setup Repository on Netgear Stora

18 Nov

This guide will show you how to set up ipkg (Itsy Package Management System) on your netgear stora. By the end of this article you will have full access to this repository which will allow you to install pretty much anything you want on your Netgear stora.

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Setup Path / Environment variables on Netgear Stora

18 Nov

To avoid having to type the full path to everything you install you need to set up the path environment variable. This is a very simple tutorial, but will save you a ton of headache once you start installing a lot of things.

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WordPress upgrade Call to a member function add_rewrite_tag() on a non-object

17 Nov

This is just a quick post for anyone who got the following error (as I did on a couple sites) when upgrading WordPress to 3.0+

Fatal error: Call to a member function add_rewrite_tag() on a non-object in … /wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 289

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Easiest way to get the latest status from facebook fan pages in PHP

09 Nov

So, quite often companies what to show their latest post from their facebook fan page on their website. This should be really simple right. Well it is. However, it seems like most of the world wants to REALLY over complicate it. I searched for this forever and people didn't seem to understand: I don't want facebook connect. I don't need to log in a user. I shouldn't need to load the facebook sdk. I shouldn't need to create a facebook app. There has to be a better way. I thought to myself it's SUPER easy on twitter there has to be something similar for facebook and of course there is.

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