Often times on sites it's useful to automatically have any external link open in a new window. This is a very simple solution that just overrides any link that starts with http:// or https:// and forces them to open in a new window. There are obviously other ways to accomplish this but this is the most simple method. This method consists of a simple jQuery function and forces external links to open in a new window. This is useful for any site with unpredictable content when you know you want external links to open in a new window.
$("a[href^='http://'],a[href^='https://']").click(function(){ window.open($(this).attr('href')); return false; });
The above code can be problematic if your site uses full urls. For example my site has full urls in the navigation (eg http://itslennysfault.com/about) so with the code above those links would open in a new window. To avoid this use the following code and update "goodDomain" to your site's url.
$("a[href^='http://'],a[href^='https://']").click(function(){ var myHref=$(this).attr('href'); var goodDomain="http://itslennysfault.com"; if(myHref.toLowerCase().substr(0,goodDomain.length)==goodDomain) return true; window.open(myHref); return false; });
Obviously, either code should be placed inside a wrapper and loaded after the DOM is ready.
June 14, 2011 at 6:16 am
Thank you, this was really useful
my advertisements now show in a new window rather than loosing me traffic.