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Archive for the ‘Troubleshooting’ Category

Unable to configure network interface / waiting for network configuration (Bitnami / VirtualBox)

26 Nov

I recently had my computer crash hard while my bitnami Ruby on Rails stack was running in VirtualBox. When I tried to start up the virtual machine again it said "waiting for network configuration" and hung for about a minute. Then it said "Continuing to wait for network configuration for another 60 seconds." Once the system started I noticed it didn't have a ip address assigned and if I typed ifconfig I only got the loopback interface (no network interface to speak of). Luckily, there was a simple fix for this, but it took me a little while to figure out so I figured I'd share it here in hopes others with the same problem will wind up here and I can save you some time.

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Weird javascript / cdata in e-mail fields on wordpress blog possible xss or injection

06 Nov

So I started noticing odd code in the e-mail fields of the comments on my wordpress blog recently and I was certain it was some sort of injection or cross site scripting attempt. It turns out it's not anything like that. It was just the email obfuscation feature of cloud flare. So if you're reading this because you are seeing similar on your wordpress blog in the e-mail fields of your comments and you're using Cloud Flare. Go to Cloud Flare and turn off E-mail address obfuscation under security settings. Problem solved.

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Eclipse No repository found at download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt

06 Nov

Recently I was trying to do some work on an android app in Eclipse and I hit a weird issue where I needed to update to Android SDK 22 or it wouldn't run, but when I tried to update I got an odd error. What was even more weird and frustrating was I got stuck in a weird loop in the preferences pane where it would tell me I had invalid data, but not tell me what invalid data and wouldn't let me click "apply" to change the data. After banging my head against the wall for a while I found a solution and I thought I'd share it here incase anyone else has this issue.


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Flush DNS cache

07 May

Most (if not all) modern operating systems keep a local DNS cache some are pretty good at keeping them updated some aren't. Either way from time to time when making DNS changes it is useful to know how to clear your DNS cache. This is just a quick reference of how to clear DNS cache on several popular operating systems.

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VirtualBox Error: has 1 differencing child hard disks

18 Jan

Recently I went to start up my VirtualBox Windows 7 client and I got the following error:

"Hard disk '____.vdi' with UUID {___} cannot be directly attached to the virtual machine 'Windows7′ ('___.xml') because it has 1 differencing child hard disks."

I have no idea what 'caused this error and it took me a lot of searching to find a good solution to it. Since it took me so long to figure out I decided I would post the solution here for my own reference and hopefully to help anyone else that faces the same issue.

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